Unlocking Social Impact: A Guide for Law Firms on Cy Pres Participation

Discover how your law firm can actively participate in Cy Pres, a powerful legal doctrine redirecting leftover settlement funds to charitable organizations. Embrace the opportunity to make a difference and elevate your firm's social impact.

Why Cy Pres Matters

In the legal landscape, Cy Pres isn't just a doctrine — it's a chance to transform leftover settlement funds into a force for good. Learn how your firm can contribute to community welfare while upholding legal integrity.

How to Participate in Cy Pres

  • Incorporate and Advocate for Cy Pres Legal Proceedings
    During settlement negotiations, proactively include Cy Pres provisions in settlement agreements. This ensures that if there are leftover funds, there's a predetermined mechanism for their distribution to charitable causes. Work to obtain court approval for distributing residual funds to charitable organizations.

  • Collaborate with Organizations Promoting Cy Pres
    Work with organizations or initiatives that actively promote the use of Cy Pres in legal settlements. This collaboration can provide valuable education, resources, insights, and networking opportunities within the Cy Pres community.

  • Engage in Public Policy and Legal Advocacy
    Stay informed about the Cy Pres doctrine and participate in efforts to educate about and promote the use of Cy Pres more broadly within the legal community. This may involve engaging in public policy discussions, submitting amicus briefs, or participating in legal advocacy to encourage the use of Cy Pres in various jurisdictions.

  • Establish Internal Procedures
    Develop internal procedures and guidelines for identifying cases where Cy Pres may be applicable. Train legal teams to consider Cy Pres as a viable option in settlements, particularly when dealing with left-over funds.

To encourage and promote the use of Cy Pres stipulations in class actions, Ohio Lawyers Give Back will work for no charge with any attorney, firm, legal organization, or bar association to educate and assist on Cy Pres and methods which have been successful in reaching settlements which include a Cy Pres provision. 

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